The Game of Real Life - Out Now! Click here to purchase!

The Game of Real Life

The second edition of The Game of Real Life is out now!

THE GAME OF REAL LIFE is a wonderful tool to use both in and out of therapy, encouraging players to incorporate mindfulness with therapeutic life skills to combat anxiety, promote active listening, and prevent burnout.

The game includes a 96-page pocket guide with instructions for gameplay and further information on all of DBT’s life-changing skills, from self-validation and self-soothing to identifying emotions and coping ahead for stressful situations. By discussing real-life situations with friends and learning from others, you’ll master the skills for staying present, regulating emotions, improving relationships, and, ultimately, increasing your happiness.

About Dr. Jesse Finkelstein


Dr. Jesse Finkelstein, PsyD, is a Clinical Psychologist and DBT therapist. Jesse received his PsyD at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. He is currently an Instructor in Clinical Psychology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. His research interests include DBT and the dissemination of therapeutic interventions, especially for sexual and gender minorities. As part of a FEMA grant for DBT-RU, Jesse animated a series of skills videos that have become a go-to resource for DBT clinicians around the world. Jesse is also the co-founder of TheraHive - - an online platform for evidence-based mental health skills courses.

For Media Inquiries


For media inquiries, please contact Sarah Hall Productions:

Ashley Moreno at Sarah Hall Productions, Inc. -, 212-597-9200.


Our Kickstarter Video

We originally launched the Game of Real Life on Kickstarter. Based on that success we’ve partnered with Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Penguin Random House.


WTF happened?

WTF Happened? is a tool to help educate and practice behavior chain analysis. Behavior chain analysis is a method of understanding the causes of our behavior so that we can make more effective decisions in the future.

The WTF Happened? is available for advance purchase or download on our Kickstarter page.


DBT-RU + Talk Is Good

In collaboration with DBT-RU and Dr. Shireen Rizvi I animated a series of videos describing DBT crisis survival skills. Head to DBT-RU’s Youtube page to see more.